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Architecture & Design: New fy2023
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- Adapt as an architect : a mid-career companion / Randy Deutsch.. RIBA Publishing. print book
- Adaptation strategies for interior architecture and design / Graeme Brooker.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- The affordable housing reader / edited by Elizabeth J. Mueller and J. Rosie Tighe.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- African modernism and its afterlives / edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Nina Berre, Johan Lagae.. Intellect Books. ebook
- After genocide : memory and reconciliation in Rwanda / Nicole Fox.. University of Wisconsin Press. ebook
- Against the commons : a radical history of urban planning / Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago.. University of Minnesota Press. ebook
- Alain Wolff architectes / Herausgeber, Heinz Wirz ; Textbeiträge, Christophe Joud [and three others].. Quart. print book
- The alchemy of archiecture : memories and insights from Ken Tate / Ken Tate, Duke Tate.. Pearl Press LLC. print book
- All the king's horses : Vitruvius in an age of princes / Indra Kagis McEwen.. The MIT Press. print book
- All the Queens houses : an architectural portrait of New York's largest and most diverse borough / Rafael Herrin-Ferri.. jovis Verlag GmbH. print book
- Alvar Aalto and the art of landscape / Teija Isohauta.. Routledge. print book
- Alvar Aalto and the future of architecture / Robert Cody and Angela Amoia.. Routledge. print book
- Ambiguous territory : architecture, landscape and the postnatural / edited by Cathryn Dwyre, Chris Perry, David Salomon ; foreword by Catherine Ingraham ; afterword by Peder Anker.. Actar D. ebook
- American furniture designers : 1900-2020 / Oscar P. Fitzgerald ; [foreword by Christopher Long].. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- An American renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City / Phillip James Dodd ; photography by Jonathan Wallen ; foreword by Julian Fellowes ; essay by Richard Guy Wilson.. Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd. print book
- Aphrochic : celebrating the legacy of the Black family home / Bryan Mason and Jeanine Hays ; photographs by Patrick Cline.. Clarkson Potter/Publishers. print book
- Approaching architecture : three fields, one discipline / edited by Miguel Guitart.. Routledge. ebook
- Appropriated interiors / edited by Deborah Schneiderman, Anca I. Lasc and Karin Tehve.. Routledge. ebook
- The architect and the city : ideology, idealism, and pragmatism / Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank ; edited by Erika Rosenfeld.. Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH. print book
- Architects on dwelling / edited by Christopher Platt. Park Books. print book
- The architectural imagination at the digital turn / Nathalie Bredella.. Routledge. print book
- Architectural terra cotta / Donald B. Corner and John Rowell.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Architectural type and character : a practical guide to a history of architecture / Samir Younés and Carroll William Westfall.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Architecture after COVID / Albena Yaneva.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Architecture and development : Israeli construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the settler colonial imagination, 1958-1973 / Ayala Levin.. Duke University Press. print book
- Architecture and objects / Graham Harman.. University of Minnesota Press. print book
- Architecture and ornament : an illustrated dictionary / Margaret Maliszewski-Pickart.. McFarland. print book
- Architecture and ugliness : anti-aesthetics and the ugly in postmodern architecture / edited by Wouter Van Acker and Thomas Mical.. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. ebook
- Architecture as a living act : Leonardo Ricci / Maria Clara Ghia.. ORO Editions. print book
- Architecture in abjection : bodies, spaces and their relations / Zuzana Kovar.. IB Tauris & Co Ltd. print book
- Architecture in digital culture : machines, networks, and computations / Socrates Yiannoudes.. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Architecture in Mexico, 1900-2010 : the construction of modernity : works, design, art, and thought / Fernanda Canales.. Fomento Cultural Banamex. print book
- Architecture in the age of artificial intelligence : an introduction to AI for architects / Neil Leach.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Architecture of normal : the colonization of the American landscape / Daniel Kaven.. Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH. print book
- The architecture of social reform : housing, tradition, and German modernism / Isabel Rousset.. Manchester University Press. print book
- The architecture of suspense : the built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock / Christine Madrid French ; foreword by Alan Hess.. University of Virginia Press. print book
- Architecture's new strangeness : a 21st century cult of peculiarity / Kenneth M. Moffett, AIA.. ORO Editions. print book
- Architecture's theory / Catherine Ingraham.. The MIT Press. print book
- Architectures of life and death : the eco-aesthetics of the built environment / edited by Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Architectures of spatial justice / Dana Cuff.. The MIT Press. ebook
- Art, borders and belonging : on home and migration / edited by Maria Photiou and Marsha Meskimmon.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. print book
- Art nouveau : art, architecture and design in transformation / Charlotte Ashby.. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- The art of collaboration & innovation / Albert Kahn Associates ; [edited by] Caitlin Wunderlich.. Visual Profile Books. print book
- The art of collaboration : Pickard Chilton / Michael J. Crosbie.. The Images Publishing Group. print book
- Artificial intelligence and architecture : from research to practice / Stanislas Chaillou.. Birkhauser Verlag GmbH. print book
- Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena / Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (editors).. Birkhauser. print book
- Atmospheric architectures : the aesthetics of felt spaces / Gernot Böhme ; edited and translated by A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul.. Bloomsbury Academic. ebook
- Automated landscapes / edited by Merve Bedir, Ludo Groen, Marten Kuijpers, Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Marina Otero Verzier.. Nieuwe Instituut. print book
- Avant-garde as method : Vkhutemas and the pedagogy of space, 1920-1930 / Anna Bokov ; [forewords by Kenneth Frampton and Alexander Lavrentiev].. Park Books. print book
- Bamboo contemporary : green houses around the globe / William Richards.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Barry Sampson : teaching + practice / Brian Carter and Annette LeCuyer, editors.. Dalhousie Architectural Press. print book
- Between memory and invention : my journey in architecture / Robert A.M. Stern with Leopoldo Villardi.. The Monacelli Press a division of Phaidon Press. print book
- Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. MIT Press. ebook
- BIG : architektur und baudetails = architecture and construction details / Herausgeberin/editor: Sandra Hofmeister ; Autorinnen und Autern/Authors: Sabine Drey [and fifteen others].. Edition DETAIL. print book
- Blinder Fleck Nordwestbahnhof : biographie eines innenstadtnahen Bahnhofsareals / Michael Hieslmair, Bernhard Hachleitner, Michael Zinganel.. Falter Verlag. print book
- Blue architecture : water, design, and environmental futures / Brook Muller.. University of Texas Press. print book
- Boredom, architecture and spatial experience / Christian Parreno.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. print book
- Box broken open : the architecture of Ted Pappas / Tim Gilmore with Mark Pappas.. Florida Historical Society Press. print book
- Brick by brick : architecture and interiors built with bricks / this book was conceived, edited, and designed by Gestalten ; edited by Robert Klanten and Andrea Servert ; introduction by Natalia Torija ; feature texts by Natalia Torija.. Gestalten. print book
- Buddhist architecture in America : building for enlightenment / Robert Edward Gordon.. Routledge. ebook
- Build : an unorthodox guide to making things worth making / Tony Fadell.. Harper Business an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. print book
- Build beyond zero : new ideas for carbon-smart architecture / Bruce King and Chris Magwood.. Island Press. print book
- Building democracy in late archaic Athens / Jessica Paga.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Building/object : shared and contested territories of design and architecture / edited by Charlotte Ashby and Mark Crinson.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Building schools making doctors : architecture and the modern American physician / Katherine Carroll.. University of Pittsburgh Press. print book
- Building theories : architecture as the art of building / Franca Trubiano.. Routledge. print book
- Building time : architecture, event, and experience / David Leatherbarrow.. Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Building with paper : the materiality of Renaissance architectural drawings / edited by Dario Donetti and Cara Rachele.. Brepols. print book
- Buildings and landmarks of 19th-century America : American society revealed / Elizabeth B. Greene.. Greenwood an Imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. print book
- Campus emergency preparedness : meeting ICS and NIMS compliance / Maureen Connolly.. CRC Press. print book
- Capture the moment : an architect's guide to travel sketching / Jim Lammers, FAIA.. ORO Editions. print book
- Casa Sabrosa / Sebastião Moreira.. Amag. print book
- A center for victims of domestic violence in New Haven / Turner Brooks and Jonathan Toews.. Yale School of Architecture. print book
- Changing the commons : stories about placemaking / John Northmore Roberts.. ORO Editions. print book
- City forward : how innovation districts can embrace risk and strengthen community / Matt Enstice with Mike Gluck.. Island Press. ebook
- Classic kitchens for modern living : Sarah Blank Design Studio / Sarah Blank ; editorial, Georgia (Gina) Tsarouhas, Jeanette Wall, Rebecca Cross.. Image Publishing Group. print book
- Classical houses / Thomas Proctor ; foreword by Marc Appleton.. Rizzoli International Publication Inc. print book
- Classical New York : discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham / Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew M. McGowan, editors.. Fordham University Press. print book
- Climax change! : how architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency / Pedro Gadanho.. Actar D. ebook
- Co-curating the city: universities and urban heritage past and future. / edited by Clare Melhuish, Henric Benesch, Ingrid Martins Holmberg and Dean Sully.. UCL Press. print book
- Codes guidebook for interiors / Katherine E. Kennon.. Wiley. print book
- Colin Rowe's gospel of modern architecture / Braden R. Engel.. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. print book
- Collaborations in architecture and engineering / Clare Olsen and Sinéad Mac Namara.. Routledge. print book
- The common camp : architecture of power and resistance in Israel-Palestine / Irit Katz.. University of Minnesota Press. print book
- Concrete houses : form, line, and plane / Steve Huyton and Cheryl Weber.. Schiffer Publishing. print book
- Conservation of architectural heritage (CAH) : embodiment of identity / edited by Antonella Versaci, Claudia Cennamo, Natsuko Akagawa ; a culmination of selected research papers from the fifth version of the international conference on Conservation of Arc. Springer. print book
- Contemporary creative spaces for children / introduction by Joey Ho.. Images Publishing Group. print book
- Creating a successful graphic design portfolio / Irina Lee.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Creating historic preservation in the 21st century / edited by Richard D. Wagner and de Teel Patterson Tiller.. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. print book
- Creating place in early modern European architecture / edited by Elizabeth Merrill.. Amsterdam University Press. print book
- Creating the urban dream : tackling the affordable housing crisis with compassion / Clay Grubb.. ForbesBooks. print book
- Creative practice inquiry in architecture / edited by Ashley Mason and Adam Sharr.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Creative product design with cultural codes / edited by Wang Ming-Feng.. Springer Nature Singapore. print book
- Crestwood Hills : the chronicle of a modern utopia / Cory Buckner.. Angel City Press. print book
- Cultural heritage and the future / edited by Cornelius Holtorf and Anders Högberg.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- David Hockney : Joiner photographs.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- David Hovey / text David C. Hovey ; Cheryl Kent (editor); contributions by Helmet Jahn and Alec Marshall.. Images Publishing Group. print book
- Decimus Burton : gentleman architect / Paul A. Rabbitts.. Lund Humphries. print book
- Decolonizing design : a cultural justice guidebook / Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall ; illustrated by Ene Agi.. The MIT Press. ebook
- Defuturing : a new design philosophy / Tony Fry.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Design and the digital humanities : a handbook for mutual understanding / Milena Radzikowska and Stan Ruecker.. Intellect The University of Chicago Press; Intellect. print book
- Design emergency : building a better future / Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli.. Phaidon Press Limited. print book
- Design for a better world : meaningful, sustainable, humanity centered / Don Norman.. The MIT Press. ebook
- Design for how people think : using brain science to build better products / John Walen.. O'Reilly. print book
- Design, history and time : new temporalities in a digital age / edited by Zoë Hendon, Anne Massey.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Design history beyond the canon / edited by Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Victoria Rose Pass and Christopher S. Wilson.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Design in the age of change / Gjoko Muratovski.. Intellect Books. print book
- Designing coffee shops and cafés for community / Lisa K. Waxman.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Designing for interdependence : a poetics of relating / Martín Ávila.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Designing innovative sustainable neighborhoods / Avi Friedman.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Designing modernity : architecture in the Arab world 1945-1973 / edited by George Arbid and Philipp Oswalt.. Jovis. print book
- Designing peace : building a better future now / Cynthia E. Smith.. Distributed (worldwide) by Thames & Hudson UK; Distributed (North America) by Artbook / DAP; Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. print book
- Designing spaces for children : a child's eye view / baukind - Architecture for Children, Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler.. Jovis. print book
- Designs for children : furniture, accessories & toys / Agata Toromanoff.. Merrell Publishers. print book
- Deviant design : the ad hoc, the illicit, the controversial / Craig Martin.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Domesticity under siege : threatened spaces of the modern home / edited by Mark Taylor, Georgina Downey and Terry Meade.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. print book
- Draper touch : the high life and high style of Dorothy Draper / Carleton Varney.. Shannongrove Press. print book
- Drawing architecture : conversations on contemporary practice / edited by Mark Dorrian, Riet Eeckhout and Arnaud Hendrickx.. Lund Humphries. print book
- Drawing attention : architecture in the age of social media / edited by Hamza Shaikh.. RIBA. ebook
- Dreyfuss + Blackford : seventy years / project editor, Clare Jacobson.. ORO Editions. print book
- Duplex architects : rethinking housing / Anne Kaestle, Dan Schürch ; editors, Ludovic Balland, Nele Dechmann ; authors, Hubertus Adam [and six others].. Park Books. print book
- DXA NYC : ten years of building on history / contributors, Patrick Cullina, Gregory Rogove, Russell Shorto, Cas Stachelberg, Robert Tierney, Gregory Wessner, Judith Zilczer.. ORO Editions. print book
- Elegant design : a designer's guide to harnessing aesthetics / Luca Iandoli and Giuseppe Zollo.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Elements of architecture : assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces / edited by Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- The elements of graphic design : space, unity, page architecture & type / Alex W. White.. Allworth Press. print book
- Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. CRC Press. ebook
- Erich Mendelsohn : buildings and projects / Carsten Krohn, Michele Stavagna ; translation from German, Julian Reisenberger, Weimar.. Birkhäuser. print book
- Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores / directors, Carlos Quintáns, Juan Rodríguez ; photography, Juan Rodríguez, Judith Casas, Adriá Goula ; texts, Carlos Quintáns.. C2C Proyectos Editoriales de Arquitectura SL. print book
- The everyday life of memorials / Andrew M. Shanken.. Zone Books. ebook
- Expand : stretching the future by design / Jens Martin Skibsted & Christian Bason.. Matt Holt Books an imprint of BenBella Books Inc. print book
- Expanding field of architecture. Women in practice across the globe. Marcia Feuerstein; Jodi La Coe; Paola Zellner Bassett.. Lund Humphries Publ. print book
- Experiencing American houses : understanding how domestic architecture works / Elizabeth Collins Cromley.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
- Experimental diagrams in architecture / edited by Lidia Gasperoni in collaboration with Sarah Gretsch.. DOM Publishers. print book
- Eyes of the city : architecture and urban space after artificial intelligence / edited by Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri.. Hatje Cantz. print book
- The Fairchild Books dictionary of interior design / Mark Hinchman.. Fairchild Books Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. print book
- Finn Juhl and his house / Per H. Hansen ; picture editor and afterword, Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen ; translated by Mark Mussari.. Hatje Cantz. print book
- Following the tabby trail : where coastal history is captured in unique oyster-shell structures / Jingle Davis ; photographs by Benjamin Galland.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
- Forging architectural tradition : national narratives, monument preservation and architectural work in the nineteenth century / edited by Dragan Damjanović and Aleksander Łupienko.. Berghahn. print book
- Form and flow : the spatial politics of urban resilience and climate justice / Kian Goh.. The MIT Press. print book
- Framing the valley : Maria Ogrydziak, houses / Maria Ogrydziak ; edited by Julia Ogrydziak ; introduction by Sam Lubell.. ORO Editions. print book
- Frank L. Wright and the architects of Steinway Hall : a study in collaboration / by Stuart Cohen.. ORO Editions. print book
- From factories to palaces : architect Charles B. J. Snyder and the New York City public schools / Jean Arrington, with Cynthia Skeffington LaValle ; foreword by Peg Breen.. Fordham University Press. print book
- Fundamentals of sustainable urban design / Avi Friedman.. Springer. ebook
- Futures of the architectural exhibition / Mario Ballesteros, Giovanna Borasi, Ann Lui, Ana Miljački, Zoë̈ Ryan, Martino Stierli, Shirley Surya in conversation with students ; edited by Reto Geiser and Michael Kubo.. Park Books. print book
- Gentrification is inevitable and other lies / Leslie Kern.. Between the Lines. ebook
- GGN : landscapes 1999-2018 / written with Thaïsa Way.. Timber Press. print book
- Glass design innovations in architecture / Mick Eekhout.. nai010 publishers. print book
- Googie modern : architectural drawings of Armet Davis Newlove / Michael Murphy ; text by Alan Hess; photography by Jens Lucking.. Angel City Press. print book
- Grace and gravity : architectures of the figure / Lars Spuybroek.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ebook
- Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- Guide to historic artists' homes & studios : a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation / Valerie Balint.. Princeton Architectural Press. ebook
- A guide to the historic architecture of Glen Rose, Texas : bypassed, forgotten, and preserved / T. Lindsay Baker ; photographs by Paul V. Chaplo.. Texas A&M University Press. print book
- Handbook of research on methodologies for design and production practices in interior architecture / Ervin Garip, S. Banu Garip, [editors].. Engineering Science Reference IGI Global. print book
- The happy design toolkit : architecture for better mental wellbeing / Ben Channon.. RIBA Publishing. print book
- Healthy buildings : how indoor spaces can make you sick--or keep you well / Joseph G. Allen, John D. Macomber.. Harvard University Press. ebook
- Healthy cities? : design for well-being / Tim Townshend.. Lund Humphries. ebook
- Henry van de Velde : selected essays, 1889-1914 / edited by Katherine M. Kuenzli ; translated by Elizabeth Tucker.. Getty Research Institute. print book
- Heritage under socialism : preservation in Eastern and Central Europe, 1945-1991 / edited by Eszter Gantner, Corinne Geering, and Paul Vickers.. Berghahn Books. print book
- Hidden Berlin : a student guide to Berlin's history and memory culture / Richard Apgar and Reinhard Zachau.. Focus. print book
- Hidden in plain sight : politics and design in state-subsidized residential architecture / editors, Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos, Virgílio Borges Pereira, Marta Rocha Moreira, Sérgio Dias Silva ; photo essay by Tiago Casanova.. Park Books. print book
- High style / Ron Woodson & Jaime Rummerfield ; foreword by Sara Ruffin Costello ; photographs by Jonathan Shapiro.. Chronicle Books. print book
- Historic preservation : an introduction to its history, principles, and practice / Norman Tyler, Ilene R. Tyler, Ted J. Ligibel.. WW Norton & Company. print book
- Historic preservation theory : an anthology : readings from the 18th to the 21st century / edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos.. Design Books. print book
- A history of architectural conservation / Jukka Jokilehto.. Taylor and Francis Group; Routledge. print book
- House gods : sustainable buildings and renegade builders / Jim Kristofic.. University of New Mexico Press. ebook
- Houses that can save the world / Courtenay Smith, Sean Topham.. Printed by RR Donnelley; Thames & Hudson. print book
- How architecture tells : 9 realities that will change the way you see / by Robert Tabin Steinberg, FAIA ; with Gerald Sindell ; designed by Hoop Design ; including material by Susan Wolfe ; foreword by The Hon. Penny Pritzker.. Oro Editions. print book
- (How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbors)) (in neoliberal times)? : Public Design support = Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung 2016-2021 / edited by Jesko Fezer & Studio Experimentelles Design for the HF. Sternberg Press. print book
- How to live with objects : a modern guide to more meaningful interiors / Monica Khemsurov & Jill Singer ; photographs by Charlie Schuck.. Clarkson Potter/Publishers. ebook
- Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. CRC Press. ebook
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- I almost forgot : unpublished Colin Rowe / edited by Daniel Naegele with Zhengyang Hua.. The MIT Press. print book
- Imagination and participation : next steps in public library architecture / Joyce Sternheim & Rob Bruijnzeels ; translation, Jane Tee.. Artbook DAP; nai010 Publishers. print book
- Informing design / edited by Joan Dickinson, John P. Marsden.. Fairchild Books. print book
- Inscriptions : architecture before speech / [edited by] K. Michael Hays, Andrew Holder.. Distributed by Harvard University Press; Harvard University Graduate School of Design. print book
- Inside Milan / Nicolò Castellini Baldissera ; photography Guido Taroni.. Vendome Press. print book
- Institutions & the city : the role of architecture / [authors, Delphine Dulong, Dietmar Eberle, Christian Gilot, Gérald Ledent, Sophia Psarra, Cécile Vandernoot ; editors, Gérald Ledent, Cécile Vandernoot].. Park Books. print book
- Interior design concept : critical practices, processes and explorations in interior architecture and design / Natalie Badenduck.. Routledge/Tylor & Francis Group. print book
- The interior design reference + specification book : everything interior designers need to know every day / Chris Grimley + Mimi Love.. Rockport Publishers. print book
- Interior design research methods / Lily B. Robinson.. Fairchild Books. print book
- Interiors in the era of Covid-19 : interior design between the public and private realms / [edited by] Penny Sparke, Eris Ioannidou, Pat Kirkham, Stephen Knott, Jana Scholze.. Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Intertwining : selected projects 1989-1995 / Steven Holl.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Introduction to graphic design : a guide to thinking, process, and style / Aaris Sherin.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Italian imprints on twentieth-century architecture / edited by Denise Costanzo and Andrew Leach.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Joel Sanders : writings and projects / foreword by Terence Riley ; introduction by Joseph Rosa.. Monacelli Press. print book
- Josef Hoffmann, 1870-1956 : progress through beauty : the guide to his oeuvre / edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Matthias Boeckl, Rainald Franz, Christian Witt-Dörring.. Birkhäuser; MAK. print book
- Joy : Kim Utzon, architect / edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. Ocsa Riera Ojeda Publishers. print book
- Julia Morgan : an intimate biography of the trailblazing architect / by Victoria Kastner with photography by Alexander Vertikoff.. Chronicle Books. print book
- Key modern architects : 50 short histories of modern architecture / Andrew Higgott.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- A kind of magic : the kaleidoscopic world of Luke Edward Hall / text and illustrations, Luke Edward Hall ; photography Billal Taright.. Vendome. print book
- Lake/Flato houses : respecting the land / foreword by Ed Mazria ; introduction and essays by Lake/Flato ; project texts by Helen Thompson ; edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. Rizzoli International Publications Inc. print book
- The latent world of architecture : selected essays / Dalibor Vesely ; edited by Alexandra Stara and Peter Carl.. Routledge. print book
- Laws of UX : using psychology to design better products & services / Jon Yablonski.. O'Reilly Media Inc. print book
- Leandro Valencia Locsin : Filipino architect / Jean-Claude Girard ; translation from French into English, Richard Palmer.. Birkhäuser. print book
- Letting play bloom : designing nature-based risky play for children / Lolly Tai ; with a foreword by Teri Hendy.. Temple University Press. print book
- The library book / photographs and afterword by Thomas R. Schiff ; introduction by Alberto Manguel.. Aperture. print book
- The lost architecture of Jean Welz / Peter Wyeth.. DoppelHouse Press. print book
- Machine learning : architecture in the age of artificial intelligence / Phil Bernstein.. RIBA Publishing. ebook
- Make food, not waste / created by Brian Greene, Stett Holbrook, Greg Roden.. Kanopy Streaming; PBS. streaming video
- Making healthy places : designing and building for well-being, equity, and sustainability / edited by Nisha Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin.. Island Press. print book
- Making it : manufacturing techniques for product design / Chris Lefteri. Laurence King Publishing Ltd. print book
- Making trouble : design and material activism / Otto von Busch.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Manual of biogenic house sections / Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis.. Goff books; ORO Editions. print book
- Mark Foster Gage : architecture in high resolution / [Mark Foster Gage] ; foreword by Graham Harman.. ORO Editions. print book
- Medium design : knowing how to work on the world / Keller Easterling.. Verso. print book
- Meet me by the fountain : an inside history of the mall / Alexandra Lange.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book
- Mid-century modern : visionary furniture design from Vienna / Caroline Wohlgemuth ; translations and copyediting, Douglas Deitemyer.. Birkhäuser. print book
- Mies van der Rohe : the collective housing collection / Fernando Casqueiro.. a+t architecture publishers. print book
- Mismatch : how inclusion shapes design / Kat Holmes.. The MIT Press. ebook
- Models and world making : bodies, buildings, black boxes / Annabel Jane Wharton.. University of Virginia Press. print book
- Modern heritage : reuse, renovation, restoration / Ana Tostões (ed.).. Birkhäuser. print book
- The Moundbuilders : ancient peoples of eastern North America / George R. Milner.. Thames & Hudson. print book
- The National Historic Preservation Act : past, present, and future / edited by Kimball M. Banks and Ann M. Scott.. Routledge. print book
- New frontiers for design of interior lighting products / Andrea Siniscalco.. Springer. print book
- Notes from another Los Angeles : Gregory Ain and the construction of a social landscape / edited by Anthony Fontenot.. The MIT Press. print book
- Occupation: boundary : art, architecture, and culture at the water / Cathy Simon with Carrie Eastman ; essays by Laurie Olin, John King, Justine Shapiro-Kline ; drawings by Bárbara Miglietti ; edited by Ashley Simone.. ORO Editions. print book
- Off Grid House Plans / Anna Minguet, editor.. Monsa Publications. print book
- Offecct + Luca Nichetto / text, Yoko Choy, Luca Nichetto, Maria Olofsson Karemyr.. Offecct. print book
- The office of good intentions : human(s) work / Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen ; photography by Iwan Baan ; with Zoë Ritts, Duncan Scovil and Sean Yendrys.. Taschen GmbH. print book
- On Bramante / Pier Paolo Tamburelli ; with photographs by Bas Princen ; translated from the Italian by Huw Evans.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. print book
- The pandemic effect : ninety experts on immunizing the built environment / Blaine Brownell.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Parametric experiments in architecture : a connection joint design for sustainable structures in bamboo / Francesco Di Paola, Andrea Mercurio.. Springer. print book
- Parametric methods for beginners : architecture applications / Umut Toker.. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Paris and her cathedrals / R. Howard Bloch.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
- Participatory design and social transformation : images and narratives of crisis and change / John A. Bruce.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Pink flamingos & the yellow pages : the stories behind the colors of our world / Bob Hambly.. Chronicle Books. print book
- Playtime / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Studiocanal ; Les Films de Mon Oncle ; une production Specta, Bernard Maurice ; scénario original de Jacques Tati avec la collaboration artistique de Jacques Lagrange.. Specta Films; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- The postcolonial condition of architecture in Asia : a lead from display-ness / Francis Chia-Hui Lin.. Lexington Books. print book
- Preston Morgan Bolton, Texas architect and civic leader / Lillian C. Woo.. Texas A&M University Press. print book
- Pride in modesty : modernist architecture and the vernacular tradition in Italy / Michelangelo Sabatino.. University of Toronto Press. print book
- Private views : a high-rise panorama of Manhattan / Andi Schmied.. VI PER Gallery. print book
- Product design and the role of representation : foundations for design thinking in practice / Eujin Pei, James Andrew Self.. CRC Press. ebook
- Project without form : OMA, Rem Koolhaas, and the Laboratory of 1989 / Holger Schurk.. Spector Books. print book
- Public housing works : Karakusevic Carson Architects / [Paul Karakusevic, Abigail Batchelor and Mike Althorpe].. Lund Humphries. print book
- The public interior as idea and project / Mark Pimlott.. Jap Sam Books. print book
- Public memory, public art : reflections on monuments and memorial art today / Annika Enqvist, Rebecka Katz Thor, Karolina Modig, Joanna Zawieja, editors.. Art & Theory Publishing; Statens Konstråd. print book
- Public space : notes on why it matters, what we should know, and how to realize its potential / Vikas Mehta.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Public space reader / edited by Miodrag Mitrašinović and Vikas Mehta.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- The queen of Versailles / a Lauren Greenfield film ; Evergreen Pictures presents in association with BBC Storyville, Impact Partners, Candescent Films.. Kanopy Streaming; Magnolia Pictures. streaming video
- Queer spaces : an atlas of LGBTQIA+ places and stories / edited by Adam Nathaniel Furman and Joshua Mardell.. Printed by TJ Books; RIBA Publishing. print book
- Queering architecture : methods, practices, spaces, pedagogies / Marko Jobst and Naomi Stead.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Radical pedagogies / edited by Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán, Evangelos Kotsioris, Anna-Maria Meister.. The MIT Press. print book
- Radical practice : the work of Marlon Blackwell Architects / Peter MacKeith, Jonathan Boelkins, editors.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Rams / [a Film First production ; directed by Gary Hustwit ; director of photography, Luke Geissbühler ; original music by Brian Eno]. Film First Corp; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Recurrent visions : the architecture of Marshall Brown projects / Marshall Brown and Karen Kice.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Reimagining design : unlocking strategic innovation / Kevin Bethune ; foreword by John Maeda.. The MIT Press. print book
- Reimagining sustainable cities : strategies for designing greener, healthier, more equitable communities / Stephen M. Wheeler and Christina D. Rosan.. University of California Press. print book
- Reimagining the library of the future : public buildings and civic space for tomorrow's knowledge society / Steffen Lehmann ; with a foreword by Kelvin Watson ; a prologue by Michelle Jeffrey Delk ; an epilogue by Keith Webster ; and a photo series by Cid. ORO Editions. print book
- Renzo Piano Building Workshop : space - detail - light / Edgar Stach.. Birkhäuser part of Walter de Gruyter. print book
- Repensar la vivienda suburbana = Rethinking surburban housing / Juan Carral, Juan O'Gorman, Pablo Gutiérrez de la Peza, Victor Ebergenyi.. Arquine. print book
- Resilient city : landscape architecture for climate change / Elke Mertens ; [translated by Julian Reisenberger].. Birkhäuser. ebook
- Rethinking dwelling : Heidegger, place, architecture / Jeff Malpas.. Bloomsbury Academic. ebook
- Revolution? : architecture and the anthropocene / Susannah Hagan.. Lund Humphries. ebook
- Robert L. Thompson : TVA Architects / Robert L. Thompson ; introductions by Randy Gragg ; foreword by Michael J. Crosbie.. Images Publishing. print book
- Robin Boyd : late works / Peter Raisbeck, Christine Marie Phillips.. Uro Publications. print book
- Rockitecture : the symphony of river rocks and the men who listened to their music : indigenous architecture in California 1885-1935 / Barry Schweiger, AIAE.. Barry J Schweiger. print book
- The Routledge companion to architectural drawings and models : from translating to archiving, collecting and displaying / edited by Federica Goffi.. Routledge. ebook
- The Routledge companion to ecological design thinking : healthful ecotopian visions for architecture and urbanism / edited by Mitra Kanaani.. Routledge. ebook
- Safe as houses : the more-than-human home / Rachel Armstrong.. Lund Humphries. ebook
- Sensing spaces : architecture reimagined / [curated by] Kate Goodwin ; [text by] Philip Ursprung.. Royal Academy of Arts. print book
- Shaping the surface : materiality and the history of British architecture 1840-2000 / Stephen Kite.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- Shigeru Ban : the Swatch/Omega campus / Philip Jodidio.. Prestel. print book
- Silk : the thread that tied the world / Anthony Burton.. Pen & Sword History. ebook
- Socializing architecture : top-down, bottom-up / Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman.. MIT Press; Hatje Cantz. print book
- Space, structures, and design in a post-pandemic world / Thomas Fisher.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Spatializing justice : building blocks / Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman.. Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH; The MIT Press. print book
- Stalin's architect : power and survival in Moscow, Boris Iofan (1891-1976) / Deyan Sudjic.. The MIT Press. print book
- Stalin's architect : the rise and fall of Boris Iofan / Vladimir Sedov ; translation, Desmond Tumulty, Nicky Brown.. Tchoban Foundation Museum für Architekturzeichnung; DOM publishers. print book
- The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. Yale University Press. ebook
- Strange objects, new solids, and massive things : Archi-Tectonics / [author, Winka Dubbeldam].. Actar Publishers. print book
- Supertall - megatall : how high can we go? / Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.. ORO Editions. print book
- Sustainable architecture : contemporary architecture in detail / edited by The Plan ; translators, Kieren Edward Bailey [and 3 others].. Hoaki Books SL. print book
- Swan & Maclaren : a story of Singapore architecture / Julian Davison.. The National Archives of Singapore; ORO Editions. print book
- Teachable monuments : using public art to spark dialogue and confront controversy / edited by Sierra Rooney, Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie.. Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
- Temples & towns : the form, elements, and principles of planned towns / Michael Dennis ; foreword by Steven K. Peterson.. ORO Editions. print book
- Terence : the man who invented design / Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity.. Constable. print book
- Tokyoids : the robotic face of architecture / François Blanciak.. The MIT Press. print book
- Touching architecture : affective atmospheres and embodied encounters / Anthony Richard Brand.. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Towards an architecture of responsibility / Marc Thorpe.. Monsa. print book
- Truth and lies in architecture / Richard Francis-Jones ; foreword by Kenneth Frampton.. ORO Editions. print book
- Twentieth-century architecture and modernity : our past, our present / Patrizia Mello.. ORO Editions. print book
- Ugliness and judgment : on architecture in the public eye / Timothy Hyde.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Universal design studio : inside out / [authors: Jason Holley and Paul Gulati].. Phaidon Press Limited. print book
- Urban play : make-believe, technology, and space / Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez.. The MIT Press. ebook
- User experience research : discover what customers really want / Marty Gage and Spencer Murrell.. John Wiley & Sons Inc. print book
- The Venice Arsenal : between history, heritage, and re-use / edited by Luca Zan.. Routledge. ebook
- Verify in field : projects and conversations : Höweler + Yoon / Eric Höweler and J. Meejin Yoon. Park Books. print book
- Villas of Lucca : the delights of the countryside / Maria Adriana Giusti ; descriptions by Maria Adriana Giusti, Gilberto Bedini ; photographs by Luca Lupi.. Gourcuff Gradenigo. print book
- Virtual and augmented reality for architecture and design / editors, Elisângela Vilar, Faculty of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Ernesto Filgueiras, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; Francisco Rebelo, Faculty of A. CRC Press. ebook
- Waste land : an art collaboration in the world's largest garbage dump / Almega Projects presents an Almega Projects and O2 Filmes production ; directed by Lucy Walker ; co-directed by João Jardim, Karen Harley ; produced by Angus Aynsley ; produced by Ha. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- A white house of stone : building America's first ideal in architecture / William Seale.. White House Historical Association. print book
- The women who professionalized interior design / Peter B. Dedek.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- The women who saved the English countryside / Matthew Kelly.. Yale University Press. print book
- The wooden architecture of Northern Europe : from the Viking era to the 20th century / John B. Hilling.. Lund Humphries. print book
- Young Projects : figure, cast, frame / Bryan Young, Nader Tehrani.. The Monacelli Press. print book