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New Books & Media at UK Libraries

List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

Architecture & Design: New fy2023

A - H

  1. Adapt as an architect : a mid-career companion / Randy Deutsch.. RIBA Publishing. print book
  2. Adaptation strategies for interior architecture and design / Graeme Brooker.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  3. The affordable housing reader / edited by Elizabeth J. Mueller and J. Rosie Tighe.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  4. African modernism and its afterlives / edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Nina Berre, Johan Lagae.. Intellect Books. ebook
  5. After genocide : memory and reconciliation in Rwanda / Nicole Fox.. University of Wisconsin Press. ebook
  7. Against the commons : a radical history of urban planning / Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago.. University of Minnesota Press. ebook
  8. Alain Wolff architectes / Herausgeber, Heinz Wirz ; Textbeiträge, Christophe Joud [and three others].. Quart. print book
  9. The alchemy of archiecture : memories and insights from Ken Tate / Ken Tate, Duke Tate.. Pearl Press LLC. print book
  10. All the king's horses : Vitruvius in an age of princes / Indra Kagis McEwen.. The MIT Press. print book
  11. All the Queens houses : an architectural portrait of New York's largest and most diverse borough / Rafael Herrin-Ferri.. jovis Verlag GmbH. print book
  12. Alvar Aalto and the art of landscape / Teija Isohauta.. Routledge. print book
  13. Alvar Aalto and the future of architecture / Robert Cody and Angela Amoia.. Routledge. print book
  14. Ambiguous territory : architecture, landscape and the postnatural / edited by Cathryn Dwyre, Chris Perry, David Salomon ; foreword by Catherine Ingraham ; afterword by Peder Anker.. Actar D. ebook
  15. American furniture designers : 1900-2020 / Oscar P. Fitzgerald ; [foreword by Christopher Long].. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  16. An American renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City / Phillip James Dodd ; photography by Jonathan Wallen ; foreword by Julian Fellowes ; essay by Richard Guy Wilson.. Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd. print book
  17. Aphrochic : celebrating the legacy of the Black family home / Bryan Mason and Jeanine Hays ; photographs by Patrick Cline.. Clarkson Potter/Publishers. print book
  18. Approaching architecture : three fields, one discipline / edited by Miguel Guitart.. Routledge. ebook
  19. Appropriated interiors / edited by Deborah Schneiderman, Anca I. Lasc and Karin Tehve.. Routledge. ebook
  20. The architect and the city : ideology, idealism, and pragmatism / Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank ; edited by Erika Rosenfeld.. Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH. print book
  21. Architects on dwelling / edited by Christopher Platt. Park Books. print book
  22. The architectural imagination at the digital turn / Nathalie Bredella.. Routledge. print book
  23. Architectural terra cotta / Donald B. Corner and John Rowell.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  24. Architectural type and character : a practical guide to a history of architecture / Samir Younés and Carroll William Westfall.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  25. Architecture after COVID / Albena Yaneva.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  26. Architecture and development : Israeli construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the settler colonial imagination, 1958-1973 / Ayala Levin.. Duke University Press. print book
  27. Architecture and objects / Graham Harman.. University of Minnesota Press. print book
  28. Architecture and ornament : an illustrated dictionary / Margaret Maliszewski-Pickart.. McFarland. print book
  29. Architecture and ugliness : anti-aesthetics and the ugly in postmodern architecture / edited by Wouter Van Acker and Thomas Mical.. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. ebook
  30. Architecture as a living act : Leonardo Ricci / Maria Clara Ghia.. ORO Editions. print book
  32. Architecture in abjection : bodies, spaces and their relations / Zuzana Kovar.. IB Tauris & Co Ltd. print book
  33. Architecture in digital culture : machines, networks, and computations / Socrates Yiannoudes.. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  34. Architecture in Mexico, 1900-2010 : the construction of modernity : works, design, art, and thought / Fernanda Canales.. Fomento Cultural Banamex. print book
  35. Architecture in the age of artificial intelligence : an introduction to AI for architects / Neil Leach.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  36. Architecture of normal : the colonization of the American landscape / Daniel Kaven.. Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH. print book
  37. The architecture of social reform : housing, tradition, and German modernism / Isabel Rousset.. Manchester University Press. print book
  38. The architecture of suspense : the built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock / Christine Madrid French ; foreword by Alan Hess.. University of Virginia Press. print book
  39. Architecture's new strangeness : a 21st century cult of peculiarity / Kenneth M. Moffett, AIA.. ORO Editions. print book
  40. Architecture's theory / Catherine Ingraham.. The MIT Press. print book
  41. Architectures of life and death : the eco-aesthetics of the built environment / edited by Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  42. Architectures of spatial justice / Dana Cuff.. The MIT Press. ebook
  43. Art, borders and belonging : on home and migration / edited by Maria Photiou and Marsha Meskimmon.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. print book
  44. Art nouveau : art, architecture and design in transformation / Charlotte Ashby.. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  45. The art of collaboration & innovation / Albert Kahn Associates ; [edited by] Caitlin Wunderlich.. Visual Profile Books. print book
  46. The art of collaboration : Pickard Chilton / Michael J. Crosbie.. The Images Publishing Group. print book
  47. Artificial intelligence and architecture : from research to practice / Stanislas Chaillou.. Birkhauser Verlag GmbH. print book
  48. Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena / Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (editors).. Birkhauser. print book
  49. Atmospheric architectures : the aesthetics of felt spaces / Gernot Böhme ; edited and translated by A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul.. Bloomsbury Academic. ebook
  50. Automated landscapes / edited by Merve Bedir, Ludo Groen, Marten Kuijpers, Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Marina Otero Verzier.. Nieuwe Instituut. print book
  51. Avant-garde as method : Vkhutemas and the pedagogy of space, 1920-1930 / Anna Bokov ; [forewords by Kenneth Frampton and Alexander Lavrentiev].. Park Books. print book
  52. Bamboo contemporary : green houses around the globe / William Richards.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
  53. Barry Sampson : teaching + practice / Brian Carter and Annette LeCuyer, editors.. Dalhousie Architectural Press. print book
  54. Between memory and invention : my journey in architecture / Robert A.M. Stern with Leopoldo Villardi.. The Monacelli Press a division of Phaidon Press. print book
  55. Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. MIT Press. ebook
  56. BIG : architektur und baudetails = architecture and construction details / Herausgeberin/editor: Sandra Hofmeister ; Autorinnen und Autern/Authors: Sabine Drey [and fifteen others].. Edition DETAIL. print book
  57. Blinder Fleck Nordwestbahnhof : biographie eines innenstadtnahen Bahnhofsareals / Michael Hieslmair, Bernhard Hachleitner, Michael Zinganel.. Falter Verlag. print book
  58. Blue architecture : water, design, and environmental futures / Brook Muller.. University of Texas Press. print book
  59. Boredom, architecture and spatial experience / Christian Parreno.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. print book
  60. Box broken open : the architecture of Ted Pappas / Tim Gilmore with Mark Pappas.. Florida Historical Society Press. print book
  61. Brick by brick : architecture and interiors built with bricks / this book was conceived, edited, and designed by Gestalten ; edited by Robert Klanten and Andrea Servert ; introduction by Natalia Torija ; feature texts by Natalia Torija.. Gestalten. print book
  62. Buddhist architecture in America : building for enlightenment / Robert Edward Gordon.. Routledge. ebook
  63. Build : an unorthodox guide to making things worth making / Tony Fadell.. Harper Business an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. print book
  64. Build beyond zero : new ideas for carbon-smart architecture / Bruce King and Chris Magwood.. Island Press. print book
  65. Building democracy in late archaic Athens / Jessica Paga.. Oxford University Press. print book
  66. Building/object : shared and contested territories of design and architecture / edited by Charlotte Ashby and Mark Crinson.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  67. Building schools making doctors : architecture and the modern American physician / Katherine Carroll.. University of Pittsburgh Press. print book
  68. Building theories : architecture as the art of building / Franca Trubiano.. Routledge. print book
  69. Building time : architecture, event, and experience / David Leatherbarrow.. Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  70. Building with paper : the materiality of Renaissance architectural drawings / edited by Dario Donetti and Cara Rachele.. Brepols. print book
  71. Buildings and landmarks of 19th-century America : American society revealed / Elizabeth B. Greene.. Greenwood an Imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. print book
  72. Campus emergency preparedness : meeting ICS and NIMS compliance / Maureen Connolly.. CRC Press. print book
  73. Capture the moment : an architect's guide to travel sketching / Jim Lammers, FAIA.. ORO Editions. print book
  74. Casa Sabrosa / Sebastião Moreira.. Amag. print book
  75. A center for victims of domestic violence in New Haven / Turner Brooks and Jonathan Toews.. Yale School of Architecture. print book
  76. Changing the commons : stories about placemaking / John Northmore Roberts.. ORO Editions. print book
  77. City forward : how innovation districts can embrace risk and strengthen community / Matt Enstice with Mike Gluck.. Island Press. ebook
  78. Classic kitchens for modern living : Sarah Blank Design Studio / Sarah Blank ; editorial, Georgia (Gina) Tsarouhas, Jeanette Wall, Rebecca Cross.. Image Publishing Group. print book
  79. Classical houses / Thomas Proctor ; foreword by Marc Appleton.. Rizzoli International Publication Inc. print book
  80. Classical New York : discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham / Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew M. McGowan, editors.. Fordham University Press. print book
  81. Climax change! : how architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency / Pedro Gadanho.. Actar D. ebook
  82. Co-curating the city: universities and urban heritage past and future. / edited by Clare Melhuish, Henric Benesch, Ingrid Martins Holmberg and Dean Sully.. UCL Press. print book
  83. Codes guidebook for interiors / Katherine E. Kennon.. Wiley. print book
  84. Colin Rowe's gospel of modern architecture / Braden R. Engel.. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. print book
  85. Collaborations in architecture and engineering / Clare Olsen and Sinéad Mac Namara.. Routledge. print book
  86. The common camp : architecture of power and resistance in Israel-Palestine / Irit Katz.. University of Minnesota Press. print book
  87. Concrete houses : form, line, and plane / Steve Huyton and Cheryl Weber.. Schiffer Publishing. print book
  88. Conservation of architectural heritage (CAH) : embodiment of identity / edited by Antonella Versaci, Claudia Cennamo, Natsuko Akagawa ; a culmination of selected research papers from the fifth version of the international conference on Conservation of Arc. Springer. print book
  89. Contemporary creative spaces for children / introduction by Joey Ho.. Images Publishing Group. print book
  90. Creating a successful graphic design portfolio / Irina Lee.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  91. Creating historic preservation in the 21st century / edited by Richard D. Wagner and de Teel Patterson Tiller.. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. print book
  92. Creating place in early modern European architecture / edited by Elizabeth Merrill.. Amsterdam University Press. print book
  93. Creating the urban dream : tackling the affordable housing crisis with compassion / Clay Grubb.. ForbesBooks. print book
  94. Creative practice inquiry in architecture / edited by Ashley Mason and Adam Sharr.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  95. Creative product design with cultural codes / edited by Wang Ming-Feng.. Springer Nature Singapore. print book
  96. Crestwood Hills : the chronicle of a modern utopia / Cory Buckner.. Angel City Press. print book
  97. Cultural heritage and the future / edited by Cornelius Holtorf and Anders Högberg.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  98. David Hockney : Joiner photographs.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  99. David Hovey / text David C. Hovey ; Cheryl Kent (editor); contributions by Helmet Jahn and Alec Marshall.. Images Publishing Group. print book
  100. Decimus Burton : gentleman architect / Paul A. Rabbitts.. Lund Humphries. print book
  101. Decolonizing design : a cultural justice guidebook / Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall ; illustrated by Ene Agi.. The MIT Press. ebook
  102. Defuturing : a new design philosophy / Tony Fry.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  103. Design and the digital humanities : a handbook for mutual understanding / Milena Radzikowska and Stan Ruecker.. Intellect The University of Chicago Press; Intellect. print book
  104. Design emergency : building a better future / Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli.. Phaidon Press Limited. print book
  105. Design for a better world : meaningful, sustainable, humanity centered / Don Norman.. The MIT Press. ebook
  106. Design for how people think : using brain science to build better products / John Walen.. O'Reilly. print book
  107. Design, history and time : new temporalities in a digital age / edited by Zoë Hendon, Anne Massey.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  108. Design history beyond the canon / edited by Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Victoria Rose Pass and Christopher S. Wilson.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  109. Design in the age of change / Gjoko Muratovski.. Intellect Books. print book
  110. Designing coffee shops and cafés for community / Lisa K. Waxman.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  111. Designing for interdependence : a poetics of relating / Martín Ávila.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  112. Designing innovative sustainable neighborhoods / Avi Friedman.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  113. Designing modernity : architecture in the Arab world 1945-1973 / edited by George Arbid and Philipp Oswalt.. Jovis. print book
  114. Designing peace : building a better future now / Cynthia E. Smith.. Distributed (worldwide) by Thames & Hudson UK; Distributed (North America) by Artbook / DAP; Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. print book
  115. Designing spaces for children : a child's eye view / baukind - Architecture for Children, Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler.. Jovis. print book
  116. Designs for children : furniture, accessories & toys / Agata Toromanoff.. Merrell Publishers. print book
  117. Deviant design : the ad hoc, the illicit, the controversial / Craig Martin.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  118. Domesticity under siege : threatened spaces of the modern home / edited by Mark Taylor, Georgina Downey and Terry Meade.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. print book
  119. Draper touch : the high life and high style of Dorothy Draper / Carleton Varney.. Shannongrove Press. print book
  120. Drawing architecture : conversations on contemporary practice / edited by Mark Dorrian, Riet Eeckhout and Arnaud Hendrickx.. Lund Humphries. print book
  121. Drawing attention : architecture in the age of social media / edited by Hamza Shaikh.. RIBA. ebook
  122. Dreyfuss + Blackford : seventy years / project editor, Clare Jacobson.. ORO Editions. print book
  123. Duplex architects : rethinking housing / Anne Kaestle, Dan Schürch ; editors, Ludovic Balland, Nele Dechmann ; authors, Hubertus Adam [and six others].. Park Books. print book
  124. DXA NYC : ten years of building on history / contributors, Patrick Cullina, Gregory Rogove, Russell Shorto, Cas Stachelberg, Robert Tierney, Gregory Wessner, Judith Zilczer.. ORO Editions. print book
  125. Elegant design : a designer's guide to harnessing aesthetics / Luca Iandoli and Giuseppe Zollo.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  126. Elements of architecture : assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces / edited by Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  127. The elements of graphic design : space, unity, page architecture & type / Alex W. White.. Allworth Press. print book
  128. Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. CRC Press. ebook
  129. Erich Mendelsohn : buildings and projects / Carsten Krohn, Michele Stavagna ; translation from German, Julian Reisenberger, Weimar.. Birkhäuser. print book
  130. Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores / directors, Carlos Quintáns, Juan Rodríguez ; photography, Juan Rodríguez, Judith Casas, Adriá Goula ; texts, Carlos Quintáns.. C2C Proyectos Editoriales de Arquitectura SL. print book
  131. The everyday life of memorials / Andrew M. Shanken.. Zone Books. ebook
  132. Expand : stretching the future by design / Jens Martin Skibsted & Christian Bason.. Matt Holt Books an imprint of BenBella Books Inc. print book
  133. Expanding field of architecture. Women in practice across the globe. Marcia Feuerstein; Jodi La Coe; Paola Zellner Bassett.. Lund Humphries Publ. print book
  134. Experiencing American houses : understanding how domestic architecture works / Elizabeth Collins Cromley.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  135. Experimental diagrams in architecture / edited by Lidia Gasperoni in collaboration with Sarah Gretsch.. DOM Publishers. print book
  136. Eyes of the city : architecture and urban space after artificial intelligence / edited by Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri.. Hatje Cantz. print book
  137. The Fairchild Books dictionary of interior design / Mark Hinchman.. Fairchild Books Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. print book
  138. Finn Juhl and his house / Per H. Hansen ; picture editor and afterword, Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen ; translated by Mark Mussari.. Hatje Cantz. print book
  139. Following the tabby trail : where coastal history is captured in unique oyster-shell structures / Jingle Davis ; photographs by Benjamin Galland.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
  140. Forging architectural tradition : national narratives, monument preservation and architectural work in the nineteenth century / edited by Dragan Damjanović and Aleksander Łupienko.. Berghahn. print book
  141. Form and flow : the spatial politics of urban resilience and climate justice / Kian Goh.. The MIT Press. print book
  142. Framing the valley : Maria Ogrydziak, houses / Maria Ogrydziak ; edited by Julia Ogrydziak ; introduction by Sam Lubell.. ORO Editions. print book
  143. Frank L. Wright and the architects of Steinway Hall : a study in collaboration / by Stuart Cohen.. ORO Editions. print book
  144. From factories to palaces : architect Charles B. J. Snyder and the New York City public schools / Jean Arrington, with Cynthia Skeffington LaValle ; foreword by Peg Breen.. Fordham University Press. print book
  145. Fundamentals of sustainable urban design / Avi Friedman.. Springer. ebook
  146. Futures of the architectural exhibition / Mario Ballesteros, Giovanna Borasi, Ann Lui, Ana Miljački, Zoë̈ Ryan, Martino Stierli, Shirley Surya in conversation with students ; edited by Reto Geiser and Michael Kubo.. Park Books. print book
  147. Gentrification is inevitable and other lies / Leslie Kern.. Between the Lines. ebook
  148. GGN : landscapes 1999-2018 / written with Thaïsa Way.. Timber Press. print book
  149. Glass design innovations in architecture / Mick Eekhout.. nai010 publishers. print book
  150. Googie modern : architectural drawings of Armet Davis Newlove / Michael Murphy ; text by Alan Hess; photography by Jens Lucking.. Angel City Press. print book
  151. Grace and gravity : architectures of the figure / Lars Spuybroek.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  152. The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
  153. Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ebook
  154. Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  155. Guide to historic artists' homes & studios : a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation / Valerie Balint.. Princeton Architectural Press. ebook
  156. A guide to the historic architecture of Glen Rose, Texas : bypassed, forgotten, and preserved / T. Lindsay Baker ; photographs by Paul V. Chaplo.. Texas A&M University Press. print book
  157. Handbook of research on methodologies for design and production practices in interior architecture / Ervin Garip, S. Banu Garip, [editors].. Engineering Science Reference IGI Global. print book
  158. The happy design toolkit : architecture for better mental wellbeing / Ben Channon.. RIBA Publishing. print book
  159. Healthy buildings : how indoor spaces can make you sick--or keep you well / Joseph G. Allen, John D. Macomber.. Harvard University Press. ebook
  160. Healthy cities? : design for well-being / Tim Townshend.. Lund Humphries. ebook
  161. Henry van de Velde : selected essays, 1889-1914 / edited by Katherine M. Kuenzli ; translated by Elizabeth Tucker.. Getty Research Institute. print book
  162. Heritage under socialism : preservation in Eastern and Central Europe, 1945-1991 / edited by Eszter Gantner, Corinne Geering, and Paul Vickers.. Berghahn Books. print book
  163. Hidden Berlin : a student guide to Berlin's history and memory culture / Richard Apgar and Reinhard Zachau.. Focus. print book
  164. Hidden in plain sight : politics and design in state-subsidized residential architecture / editors, Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos, Virgílio Borges Pereira, Marta Rocha Moreira, Sérgio Dias Silva ; photo essay by Tiago Casanova.. Park Books. print book
  165. High style / Ron Woodson & Jaime Rummerfield ; foreword by Sara Ruffin Costello ; photographs by Jonathan Shapiro.. Chronicle Books. print book
  166. Historic preservation : an introduction to its history, principles, and practice / Norman Tyler, Ilene R. Tyler, Ted J. Ligibel.. WW Norton & Company. print book
  167. Historic preservation theory : an anthology : readings from the 18th to the 21st century / edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos.. Design Books. print book
  168. A history of architectural conservation / Jukka Jokilehto.. Taylor and Francis Group; Routledge. print book
  169. House gods : sustainable buildings and renegade builders / Jim Kristofic.. University of New Mexico Press. ebook
  170. Houses that can save the world / Courtenay Smith, Sean Topham.. Printed by RR Donnelley; Thames & Hudson. print book
  171. How architecture tells : 9 realities that will change the way you see / by Robert Tabin Steinberg, FAIA ; with Gerald Sindell ; designed by Hoop Design ; including material by Susan Wolfe ; foreword by The Hon. Penny Pritzker.. Oro Editions. print book
  172. (How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbors)) (in neoliberal times)? : Public Design support = Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung 2016-2021 / edited by Jesko Fezer & Studio Experimentelles Design for the HF. Sternberg Press. print book
  173. How to live with objects : a modern guide to more meaningful interiors / Monica Khemsurov & Jill Singer ; photographs by Charlie Schuck.. Clarkson Potter/Publishers. ebook
  174. Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. CRC Press. ebook

I - Z

  1. I almost forgot : unpublished Colin Rowe / edited by Daniel Naegele with Zhengyang Hua.. The MIT Press. print book
  2. Imagination and participation : next steps in public library architecture / Joyce Sternheim & Rob Bruijnzeels ; translation, Jane Tee.. Artbook DAP; nai010 Publishers. print book
  3. Informing design / edited by Joan Dickinson, John P. Marsden.. Fairchild Books. print book
  4. Inscriptions : architecture before speech / [edited by] K. Michael Hays, Andrew Holder.. Distributed by Harvard University Press; Harvard University Graduate School of Design. print book
  5. Inside Milan / Nicolò Castellini Baldissera ; photography Guido Taroni.. Vendome Press. print book
  6. Institutions & the city : the role of architecture / [authors, Delphine Dulong, Dietmar Eberle, Christian Gilot, Gérald Ledent, Sophia Psarra, Cécile Vandernoot ; editors, Gérald Ledent, Cécile Vandernoot].. Park Books. print book
  7. Interior design concept : critical practices, processes and explorations in interior architecture and design / Natalie Badenduck.. Routledge/Tylor & Francis Group. print book
  8. The interior design reference + specification book : everything interior designers need to know every day / Chris Grimley + Mimi Love.. Rockport Publishers. print book
  9. Interior design research methods / Lily B. Robinson.. Fairchild Books. print book
  10. Interiors in the era of Covid-19 : interior design between the public and private realms / [edited by] Penny Sparke, Eris Ioannidou, Pat Kirkham, Stephen Knott, Jana Scholze.. Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  11. Intertwining : selected projects 1989-1995 / Steven Holl.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
  12. Introduction to graphic design : a guide to thinking, process, and style / Aaris Sherin.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  13. Italian imprints on twentieth-century architecture / edited by Denise Costanzo and Andrew Leach.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  14. Joel Sanders : writings and projects / foreword by Terence Riley ; introduction by Joseph Rosa.. Monacelli Press. print book
  15. Josef Hoffmann, 1870-1956 : progress through beauty : the guide to his oeuvre / edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Matthias Boeckl, Rainald Franz, Christian Witt-Dörring.. Birkhäuser; MAK. print book
  16. Joy : Kim Utzon, architect / edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. Ocsa Riera Ojeda Publishers. print book
  17. Julia Morgan : an intimate biography of the trailblazing architect / by Victoria Kastner with photography by Alexander Vertikoff.. Chronicle Books. print book
  18. Key modern architects : 50 short histories of modern architecture / Andrew Higgott.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  19. A kind of magic : the kaleidoscopic world of Luke Edward Hall / text and illustrations, Luke Edward Hall ; photography Billal Taright.. Vendome. print book
  20. Lake/Flato houses : respecting the land / foreword by Ed Mazria ; introduction and essays by Lake/Flato ; project texts by Helen Thompson ; edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. Rizzoli International Publications Inc. print book
  21. The latent world of architecture : selected essays / Dalibor Vesely ; edited by Alexandra Stara and Peter Carl.. Routledge. print book
  22. Laws of UX : using psychology to design better products & services / Jon Yablonski.. O'Reilly Media Inc. print book
  23. Leandro Valencia Locsin : Filipino architect / Jean-Claude Girard ; translation from French into English, Richard Palmer.. Birkhäuser. print book
  24. Letting play bloom : designing nature-based risky play for children / Lolly Tai ; with a foreword by Teri Hendy.. Temple University Press. print book
  25. The library book / photographs and afterword by Thomas R. Schiff ; introduction by Alberto Manguel.. Aperture. print book
  26. The lost architecture of Jean Welz / Peter Wyeth.. DoppelHouse Press. print book
  27. Machine learning : architecture in the age of artificial intelligence / Phil Bernstein.. RIBA Publishing. ebook
  28. Make food, not waste / created by Brian Greene, Stett Holbrook, Greg Roden.. Kanopy Streaming; PBS. streaming video
  29. Making healthy places : designing and building for well-being, equity, and sustainability / edited by Nisha Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin.. Island Press. print book
  30. Making it : manufacturing techniques for product design / Chris Lefteri. Laurence King Publishing Ltd. print book
  31. Making trouble : design and material activism / Otto von Busch.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  32. Manual of biogenic house sections / Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis.. Goff books; ORO Editions. print book
  33. Mark Foster Gage : architecture in high resolution / [Mark Foster Gage] ; foreword by Graham Harman.. ORO Editions. print book
  34. Medium design : knowing how to work on the world / Keller Easterling.. Verso. print book
  35. Meet me by the fountain : an inside history of the mall / Alexandra Lange.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book
  36. Mid-century modern : visionary furniture design from Vienna / Caroline Wohlgemuth ; translations and copyediting, Douglas Deitemyer.. Birkhäuser. print book
  37. Mies van der Rohe : the collective housing collection / Fernando Casqueiro.. a+t architecture publishers. print book
  38. Mismatch : how inclusion shapes design / Kat Holmes.. The MIT Press. ebook
  39. Models and world making : bodies, buildings, black boxes / Annabel Jane Wharton.. University of Virginia Press. print book
  40. Modern heritage : reuse, renovation, restoration / Ana Tostões (ed.).. Birkhäuser. print book
  41. The Moundbuilders : ancient peoples of eastern North America / George R. Milner.. Thames & Hudson. print book
  42. The National Historic Preservation Act : past, present, and future / edited by Kimball M. Banks and Ann M. Scott.. Routledge. print book
  43. New frontiers for design of interior lighting products / Andrea Siniscalco.. Springer. print book
  44. Notes from another Los Angeles : Gregory Ain and the construction of a social landscape / edited by Anthony Fontenot.. The MIT Press. print book
  45. Occupation: boundary : art, architecture, and culture at the water / Cathy Simon with Carrie Eastman ; essays by Laurie Olin, John King, Justine Shapiro-Kline ; drawings by Bárbara Miglietti ; edited by Ashley Simone.. ORO Editions. print book
  46. Off Grid House Plans / Anna Minguet, editor.. Monsa Publications. print book
  47. Offecct + Luca Nichetto / text, Yoko Choy, Luca Nichetto, Maria Olofsson Karemyr.. Offecct. print book
  48. The office of good intentions : human(s) work / Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen ; photography by Iwan Baan ; with Zoë Ritts, Duncan Scovil and Sean Yendrys.. Taschen GmbH. print book
  49. On Bramante / Pier Paolo Tamburelli ; with photographs by Bas Princen ; translated from the Italian by Huw Evans.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. print book
  50. The pandemic effect : ninety experts on immunizing the built environment / Blaine Brownell.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
  51. Parametric experiments in architecture : a connection joint design for sustainable structures in bamboo / Francesco Di Paola, Andrea Mercurio.. Springer. print book
  52. Parametric methods for beginners : architecture applications / Umut Toker.. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  53. Paris and her cathedrals / R. Howard Bloch.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
  54. Participatory design and social transformation : images and narratives of crisis and change / John A. Bruce.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  55. Pink flamingos & the yellow pages : the stories behind the colors of our world / Bob Hambly.. Chronicle Books. print book
  56. Playtime / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Studiocanal ; Les Films de Mon Oncle ; une production Specta, Bernard Maurice ; scénario original de Jacques Tati avec la collaboration artistique de Jacques Lagrange.. Specta Films; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  57. The postcolonial condition of architecture in Asia : a lead from display-ness / Francis Chia-Hui Lin.. Lexington Books. print book
  58. Preston Morgan Bolton, Texas architect and civic leader / Lillian C. Woo.. Texas A&M University Press. print book
  59. Pride in modesty : modernist architecture and the vernacular tradition in Italy / Michelangelo Sabatino.. University of Toronto Press. print book
  60. Private views : a high-rise panorama of Manhattan / Andi Schmied.. VI PER Gallery. print book
  61. Product design and the role of representation : foundations for design thinking in practice / Eujin Pei, James Andrew Self.. CRC Press. ebook
  62. Project without form : OMA, Rem Koolhaas, and the Laboratory of 1989 / Holger Schurk.. Spector Books. print book
  63. Public housing works : Karakusevic Carson Architects / [Paul Karakusevic, Abigail Batchelor and Mike Althorpe].. Lund Humphries. print book
  64. The public interior as idea and project / Mark Pimlott.. Jap Sam Books. print book
  65. Public memory, public art : reflections on monuments and memorial art today / Annika Enqvist, Rebecka Katz Thor, Karolina Modig, Joanna Zawieja, editors.. Art & Theory Publishing; Statens Konstråd. print book
  66. Public space : notes on why it matters, what we should know, and how to realize its potential / Vikas Mehta.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  67. Public space reader / edited by Miodrag Mitrašinović and Vikas Mehta.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  68. The queen of Versailles / a Lauren Greenfield film ; Evergreen Pictures presents in association with BBC Storyville, Impact Partners, Candescent Films.. Kanopy Streaming; Magnolia Pictures. streaming video
  69. Queer spaces : an atlas of LGBTQIA+ places and stories / edited by Adam Nathaniel Furman and Joshua Mardell.. Printed by TJ Books; RIBA Publishing. print book
  70. Queering architecture : methods, practices, spaces, pedagogies / Marko Jobst and Naomi Stead.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  71. Radical pedagogies / edited by Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán, Evangelos Kotsioris, Anna-Maria Meister.. The MIT Press. print book
  72. Radical practice : the work of Marlon Blackwell Architects / Peter MacKeith, Jonathan Boelkins, editors.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
  73. Rams / [a Film First production ; directed by Gary Hustwit ; director of photography, Luke Geissbühler ; original music by Brian Eno]. Film First Corp; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  74. Recurrent visions : the architecture of Marshall Brown projects / Marshall Brown and Karen Kice.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
  75. Reimagining design : unlocking strategic innovation / Kevin Bethune ; foreword by John Maeda.. The MIT Press. print book
  76. Reimagining sustainable cities : strategies for designing greener, healthier, more equitable communities / Stephen M. Wheeler and Christina D. Rosan.. University of California Press. print book
  77. Reimagining the library of the future : public buildings and civic space for tomorrow's knowledge society / Steffen Lehmann ; with a foreword by Kelvin Watson ; a prologue by Michelle Jeffrey Delk ; an epilogue by Keith Webster ; and a photo series by Cid. ORO Editions. print book
  78. Renzo Piano Building Workshop : space - detail - light / Edgar Stach.. Birkhäuser part of Walter de Gruyter. print book
  79. Repensar la vivienda suburbana = Rethinking surburban housing / Juan Carral, Juan O'Gorman, Pablo Gutiérrez de la Peza, Victor Ebergenyi.. Arquine. print book
  80. Resilient city : landscape architecture for climate change / Elke Mertens ; [translated by Julian Reisenberger].. Birkhäuser. ebook
  81. Rethinking dwelling : Heidegger, place, architecture / Jeff Malpas.. Bloomsbury Academic. ebook
  82. Revolution? : architecture and the anthropocene / Susannah Hagan.. Lund Humphries. ebook
  83. Robert L. Thompson : TVA Architects / Robert L. Thompson ; introductions by Randy Gragg ; foreword by Michael J. Crosbie.. Images Publishing. print book
  84. Robin Boyd : late works / Peter Raisbeck, Christine Marie Phillips.. Uro Publications. print book
  85. Rockitecture : the symphony of river rocks and the men who listened to their music : indigenous architecture in California 1885-1935 / Barry Schweiger, AIAE.. Barry J Schweiger. print book
  86. The Routledge companion to architectural drawings and models : from translating to archiving, collecting and displaying / edited by Federica Goffi.. Routledge. ebook
  87. The Routledge companion to ecological design thinking : healthful ecotopian visions for architecture and urbanism / edited by Mitra Kanaani.. Routledge. ebook
  88. Safe as houses : the more-than-human home / Rachel Armstrong.. Lund Humphries. ebook
  89. Sensing spaces : architecture reimagined / [curated by] Kate Goodwin ; [text by] Philip Ursprung.. Royal Academy of Arts. print book
  90. Shaping the surface : materiality and the history of British architecture 1840-2000 / Stephen Kite.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  91. Shigeru Ban : the Swatch/Omega campus / Philip Jodidio.. Prestel. print book
  92. Silk : the thread that tied the world / Anthony Burton.. Pen & Sword History. ebook
  93. Socializing architecture : top-down, bottom-up / Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman.. MIT Press; Hatje Cantz. print book
  94. Space, structures, and design in a post-pandemic world / Thomas Fisher.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  95. Spatializing justice : building blocks / Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman.. Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH; The MIT Press. print book
  96. Stalin's architect : power and survival in Moscow, Boris Iofan (1891-1976) / Deyan Sudjic.. The MIT Press. print book
  97. Stalin's architect : the rise and fall of Boris Iofan / Vladimir Sedov ; translation, Desmond Tumulty, Nicky Brown.. Tchoban Foundation Museum für Architekturzeichnung; DOM publishers. print book
  98. The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. Yale University Press. ebook
  99. Strange objects, new solids, and massive things : Archi-Tectonics / [author, Winka Dubbeldam].. Actar Publishers. print book
  100. Supertall - megatall : how high can we go? / Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.. ORO Editions. print book
  101. Sustainable architecture : contemporary architecture in detail / edited by The Plan ; translators, Kieren Edward Bailey [and 3 others].. Hoaki Books SL. print book
  102. Swan & Maclaren : a story of Singapore architecture / Julian Davison.. The National Archives of Singapore; ORO Editions. print book
  103. Teachable monuments : using public art to spark dialogue and confront controversy / edited by Sierra Rooney, Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie.. Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ebook
  104. Temples & towns : the form, elements, and principles of planned towns / Michael Dennis ; foreword by Steven K. Peterson.. ORO Editions. print book
  105. Terence : the man who invented design / Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity.. Constable. print book
  106. Tokyoids : the robotic face of architecture / François Blanciak.. The MIT Press. print book
  107. Touching architecture : affective atmospheres and embodied encounters / Anthony Richard Brand.. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  108. Towards an architecture of responsibility / Marc Thorpe.. Monsa. print book
  109. Truth and lies in architecture / Richard Francis-Jones ; foreword by Kenneth Frampton.. ORO Editions. print book
  110. Twentieth-century architecture and modernity : our past, our present / Patrizia Mello.. ORO Editions. print book
  111. Ugliness and judgment : on architecture in the public eye / Timothy Hyde.. Princeton University Press. print book
  112. Universal design studio : inside out / [authors: Jason Holley and Paul Gulati].. Phaidon Press Limited. print book
  113. Urban play : make-believe, technology, and space / Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez.. The MIT Press. ebook
  114. User experience research : discover what customers really want / Marty Gage and Spencer Murrell.. John Wiley & Sons Inc. print book
  115. The Venice Arsenal : between history, heritage, and re-use / edited by Luca Zan.. Routledge. ebook
  116. Verify in field : projects and conversations : Höweler + Yoon / Eric Höweler and J. Meejin Yoon. Park Books. print book
  117. Villas of Lucca : the delights of the countryside / Maria Adriana Giusti ; descriptions by Maria Adriana Giusti, Gilberto Bedini ; photographs by Luca Lupi.. Gourcuff Gradenigo. print book
  118. Virtual and augmented reality for architecture and design / editors, Elisângela Vilar, Faculty of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Ernesto Filgueiras, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; Francisco Rebelo, Faculty of A. CRC Press. ebook
  119. Waste land : an art collaboration in the world's largest garbage dump / Almega Projects presents an Almega Projects and O2 Filmes production ; directed by Lucy Walker ; co-directed by João Jardim, Karen Harley ; produced by Angus Aynsley ; produced by Ha. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  120. A white house of stone : building America's first ideal in architecture / William Seale.. White House Historical Association. print book
  121. The women who professionalized interior design / Peter B. Dedek.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  122. The women who saved the English countryside / Matthew Kelly.. Yale University Press. print book
  123. The wooden architecture of Northern Europe : from the Viking era to the 20th century / John B. Hilling.. Lund Humphries. print book
  124. Young Projects : figure, cast, frame / Bryan Young, Nader Tehrani.. The Monacelli Press. print book