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Medicine: new fy2023
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- 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2023 / edited by Frank J. Domino [and four others].. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ebook
- Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses / Cynthia Saver, MS, RN.. Sigma Theta Tau International. ebook
- Atlas of inherited metabolic diseases / William L. Nyhan, Georg F. Hoffmann ; with contributors from Aida I. Al-Aqeel and Bruce A. Barshop.. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
- AWHONN's perinatal nursing / edited by Kathleen R. Simpson, Patricia A. Creehan.. Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology / edited by Jame Abraham and James L. Gulley.. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ebook
- Blueprints neurology / Frank W. Drislane, Alexandra Hovaguimian, Andrew W. Tarulli, Aimee K. Boegle, Courtney McIIduff, Louis R. Caplan.. Wolters Kluwer. print book
- Cardiac Nursing : The Red Reference Book for Cardiac Nurses/ Elizabeth M. Perpetua DNP, Patricia Keegan.. Wolters Kluwer Health. ebook
- Clinical epidemiology : the essentials / Grant S. Fletcher.. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- Code black / directed by Ryan McGarry ; written by Ryan McGarry, Joshua Altman ; producer, Linda Goldstein Knowlton ; produced by C-Booth, LLC.. Distributed by Bulfrog Films. streaming video
- Code black / directed by Ryan McGarry ; written by Ryan McGarry, Joshua Altman ; producer, Linda Goldstein Knowlton ; produced by C-Booth, LLC.. Distributed by Bulfrog Films. streaming video
- Color atlas of common oral diseases / Robert P. Langlais, Craig S. Miller, Jill S. Gehrig.. Jones & Bartlett Learning. ebook
- Community organizing and community building for health and social equity / edited by Meredith Minkler, Patricia Wakimoto.. Rutgers University Press. ebook
- Contemporary public health : principles, practice, and policy / edited by James W. Holsinger Jr. and F. Douglas Scutchfield ; foreword by Eli I. Capilouto.. University Press of Kentucky. ebook
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer : Principles & Practice of Oncology / Vincent T. DeVita, Steven A. Rosenberg, Theodore S. Lawrence.. Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- Digital dentistry : a step-by-step guide and case atlas / edited by Arthur R.G. Cortes.. John Wiley & Sons. ebook
- Drugs in pregnancy and lactation : a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk [electronic resource] / Gerald G. Briggs, Craig V. Towers, Alicia B. Forinash.. Wolters Kluwer Health. ebook
- Fast facts [electronic resource] : multiple sclerosis / George D. Perkin, Jerry S. Wolinsky.. Health Press Ltd. ebook
- Fattitude / written and directed by Lindsey Averill and Viridiana Lieberman.. Kanopy Streaming; Women Make Movies. streaming video
- Fundamentals success : NCLEX®-style Q&A review / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. F A Davis. ebook
- Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Health Promotion: In A Public Context. . ebook
- Indigenous public health : improvement through community-engaged interventions / edited by Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun.. The University Press of Kentucky. print book
- Introduction to Concept Mapping in Nursing : Critical Thinking in Action / Patricia Schmehl.. Jones & Bartlett Learning LLC. ebook
- Janeway's immunobiology / Kenneth Murphy, Casey Weaver, Leslie Berg ; with contribution by Gregory Barton.. WW Norton and Company. print book
- The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics / Betty Chou, editor.. Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- The magic pill / Health Everyday presents a film by Pete Evans and Rob Tate.. Kanopy Streaming; Gravitas. streaming video
- MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual / Barry W. Feig [and four others], editor.. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ebook
- Med-surg success : NCLEX-style Q&A review / Christi D. Doherty.. FA Davis. ebook
- Modern epidemiology / Timothy L. Lash [and three others].. Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- Modern techniques in neuroscience research / Uwe Windhorst, Hakan Johansson, (Eds.).. Springer. ebook
- Molokai : the story of "Father Damien" / Jos Stelling Films ; produced by Tharsi Vanhuysse, Grietje Lammertyn ; screenplay by John Briley ; directed by Paul Cox.. ERA Films/CVBA Damien. video DVD
- Nutrition in clinical practice / David L. Katz [and five others].. Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- Nutrition management of inherited metabolic diseases : lessons from Metabolic University / Laurie E. Bernstein, Fran Rohr, Sandy van Calcar, editors.. Springer. ebook
- Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ebook
- Optimization of behavioral, biobehavioral, and biomedical interventions : the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) / Linda M. Collins.. Springer. ebook
- Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient / Allan H. Goroll, Albert G. Mulley, Jr.. Wolters Kluwer. ebook
- Principles of neurobiology / Liqun Luo.. CRC Press/Garland Science. ebook
- Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Josph P. Vacanti, Anthony Atala. Academic Press. ebook
- The Routledge handbook of health communication / edited by Teresa L. Thompson, Nancy Grant Harrington.. Routledge. ebook
- The science of marijuana.. The Great Courses; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Secrets to good health.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Self-care for new and student nurses / Dorrie K. Fontaine, Tim Cunningham, Natalie May.. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. ebook
- The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 24, the media's role in improving health.. Kanopy Streaming; The Great Courses. streaming video
- Strategies, techniques, & approaches to critical thinking : a clinical reasoning workbook for nurses / Sandra Luz Martinez de Castillo.. Elsevier Health Sciences. ebook
- Studying a study & testing a test : reading evidence-based health research / Richard K. Riegelman, Benjamin A. Nelson. Wolters Kluwer Health. ebook
- Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry.. Mosby. ebook
- Technology and death.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Test success : test-taking techniques for beginning nursing students / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. FA Davis. ebook
- Three identical strangers / Neon and CNN Films present ; a Raw production ; in association with Channel 4 ; directed by Tim Wardle ; produced by Becky Read ; producer, and developed by Grace Hughes-Hallett.. Neon; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- United in anger : a history of ACT UP.. Kanopy Streaming; ACT UP Oral History Project. ebook
- Unnatural causes series.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Unseen Enemies - The Deadliest Infectious Diseases in Human History. . ebook
- The Walls manual of emergency airway management / Calvin A. Brown [and four others].. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ebook
- Writing the NIH grant proposal : a step-by-step guide / William Gerin, Pennsylvania State University, Christine Kapelewski Kinkade, University of California, Davis ; with contributions by Niki L. Page, Pennsylvania State University.. SAGE. ebook