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Law: new fy2024
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- 100% democracy : the case for universal voting / E.J. Dionne Jr. and Miles Rapoport ; with analysis by Cornell William Brooks, Allegra Chapman, Joshua Douglas, Amber Herrle, Cecily Hines, Janai Nelson, and Brenda Wright ; [with a foreword by Heather McGhe. Distributed by Two Rivers Distribution; The New Press. print book
- The administrative state before the Supreme Court : perspectives on the nondelegation doctrine / edited by Peter J. Wallison and John Yoo.. The AEI Press. print book
- Afterlives of data : life and debt under capitalist surveillance / Mary F. E. Ebeling.. University of California Press. ebook
- Allergic intimacies : food, disability, desire, and risk / Michael Gill.. Fordham University Press. print book
- America's frozen neighborhoods : the abuse of zoning / Robert C. Ellickson.. Yale University Press. print book
- American by birth : Wong Kim Ark and the battle for citizenship / Carol Nackenoff and Julie Novkov.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- Are children reliable witnesses? / Ben F. Cotterill.. Palgrave Macmillan. print book
- Atheism on trial : a lawyer examines the case for unbelief / W. Mark Lanier.. IVP an imprint of InterVarsity Press. print book
- Becoming an expert witness in health care and litigation : a beginner's guide / Jeff G. Konin, Mark S. Ramey.. SLACK Incorporated. print book
- Best interests of the student : applying ethical constructs to legal cases in education / Jacqueline A. Stefkovich and William C. Frick.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Beyond the Voting Rights Act : the untold story of the struggle to reform America's voter registration laws / Gregory T. Moore.. Walter de Gruyter. print book
- The bill of obligations : the ten habits of good citizens / Richard Haass.. Penguin Press. print book
- Breaking away : how to regain control over our data, privacy, and autonomy / Maurice E. Stucke.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Breaking the promise of Brown : the resegregation of America's schools / Stephen Breyer ; introduction by Thiru Vignarajah.. Brookings Institution Press. print book
- Building a parenting agreement that works : child custody agreements step by step / Mimi Lee, PhD.. Nolo. print book
- The burdens of all : a social history of American tort law / Joseph A. Ranney.. Carolina Academic Press. print book
- Campus sexual violence : a state of institutionalized sexual terrorism / Sarah Prior and Brooke A. de Heer.. Routledge. print book
- The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Civil procedure in a nutshell / Mary Kay Kane, Arthur R. Miller, Adam N. Steinman.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Civil rights queen : Constance Baker Motley and the struggle for equality / Tomiko Brown-Nagin.. Pantheon Books. print book
- Class Notes of Jo McCown Ferguson.. . print book
- Coal, cages, crisis : the rise of the prison economy in Central Appalachia / Judah Schept.. New York University Press. print book
- The cold war, the space race, and the law of outer space : space for peace / Albert K. Lai.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Conservative thought and American constitutionalism since the New Deal / Johnathan O'Neill.. Johns Hopkins University Press. print book
- Constitutional law : principles and policies / Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law.. Aspen Publishing. print book
- Contracts in a nutshell / Claude D. Rohwer, Anthony M. Skrocki, Michael P. Malloy.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Copyright's broken promise : how to restore the law's ability to promote the progress of science / John Willinsky.. The MIT Press. print book
- Credit repair / attorneys Amy Loftsgordon & Cara O'Neill.. Nolo. print book
- Crimesploitation : crime, punishment, and pleasure on reality television / Paul Kaplan and Daniel LaChance.. Stanford University Press. ebook
- Criminality and the common law imagination in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Erin Sheley.. Edinburgh University Press. print book
- Critical race theory : an introduction / Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic ; foreword by Angela Harris.. New York University Press. print book
- Cultural property : a legal research guide / by Rebecca Lutkenhaus.. William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- Data and democracy at work : advanced information technologies, labor law, and the new working class / Brishen Rogers.. The MIT Press. print book
- Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. Stanford University Press. print book
- Disappearing rooms : the hidden theaters of immigration law / Michelle Castañeda ; with illustrations by Molly Crabapple.. Duke University Press. print book
- DNA : a legal research guide / by Joel Fishman, Pamela Marshall.. William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- An Employer's Guide to Kentucky Wage and Hour Issues / Frost, Brown, Todd LLC.. Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. print book
- Essentially a mother : a feminist approach to the law of pregnancy and motherhood / Jennifer Hendricks.. University of California Press. print book
- Everyone against us : public defenders and the making of American justice / Allen Goodman.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- The ex post facto clause : its history and role in a punitive society / Wayne A. Logan, Stephen M. Goldstein Professor, Florida State University College of Law.. Oxford University Press. print book
- The expelled law student : a case law survey / Robert M. Jarvis.. Vandeplas Publishing. print book
- FDR's gambit : the court packing fight and the rise of legal liberalism / Laura Kalman.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Feminist judgments : rewritten criminal law opinions / edited by Bennett Capers, Sarah Deer, Corey Rayburn Yung.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Feminist judgments : rewritten criminal law opinions / edited by Bennett Capers, Sarah Deer, Corey Rayburn Yung.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- First Amendment law in a nutshell / Jerome A. Barron, Harold H. Greene Professor of Law Emeritus, The George Washington University Law School ; C. Thomas Dienes, late Lyle T. Alverson Professor of Law Emeritus, The George Washington University Law School.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- The first Chief Justice : John Jay and the struggle of a new nation / Mark C. Dillon.. State University of New York Press. print book
- Following in footsteps or marching alone? : how institutional differences influence renewable energy policy / Srinivas C. Parinandi.. University of Michigan Press. print book
- For profit : a history of corporations / William Magnuson.. Basic Books. print book
- The future of medical device regulation : innovation and protection / edited by I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Law School, Timo Minssen, University of Copenhagen, W. Nicholson Price II, University of Michigan, Christopher Robertson, Boston University, Carmel Sha. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Google and the world brain / a Polar Star Films and BLTV Ltd film.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation (MEF). streaming video
- The great dissenter : the story of John Marshall Harlan, America's judicial hero / Peter S. Canellos.. Simon & Schuster. print book
- The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. Princeton Architectural Press. print book
- Hate crimes : a legal research guide / by Erin Gow.. William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- A history of securities law in the Supreme Court / A.C. Pritchard and Robert B. Thompson.. Oxford University Press. print book
- The hollow hope : can courts bring about social change? / Gerald N. Rosenberg.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- How the Court became Supreme : the origins of American juristocracy / Paul D. Moreno.. Louisiana State University Press. print book
- How to be a lawyer : the path from law school to success / Jason Mendelson, Alex Paul.. Wiley. print book
- How to think like a lawyer--and why : a common-sense guide to everyday dilemmas / Kim Wehle.. Harper. print book
- International sales law--CISG in a nutshell / Franco Ferrari, Marco Torsello.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- International taxation in a nutshell / Mindy Herzfeld.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Juvenile justice administration in a nutshell / Barry C. Feld (Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Minnesota), Perry L. Moriearty (Associate Professor of Law, University of Minnesota).. West Academic Publishing. print book
- The Kentucky constitution : text and history / Aaron J. Silletto.. Carolina Academic Press. print book
- The Kentucky employer's guide to hiring and firing / authored by Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs.. Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. print book
- Kentucky Workers' Compensation Handbook / by JSB Attorneys, PLLC.. Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. print book
- Labor law in a nutshell / Michael Z. Green (professor of law and director, Workplace Law Program, Texas A & M University School of Law), Douglas L. Leslie (formerly Charles O. Gregory Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law).. West Academic Publishing. print book
- The Law and Policy of Sentencing and Corrections: |b in a Nutshell / by Lynn S. Branham.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- The law of the Colorado River : a legal research guide / by Tobe Liebert.. William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- Lawyer, jailer, ally, foe : complicity and conscience in America's World War II concentration camps / Eric L. Muller.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- The lawyer's conscience : a history of American lawyer ethics / Michael S. Ariens.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- Legal accounting : principles and applications / Douglas C. Michael.. Carolina Academic Press. print book
- Legal ethics and social media : a practitioner's handbook / Jan L Jacobowitz and John G Browning.. American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility. print book
- Legal negotiation in a nutshell / Larry L. Teply, Senator Allen A. Sekt Endowed Chair of Law and Professor of Law, School of Law and the Werner Institute, Creighton University.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Lemon law : cars in the courtroom / Cecil C. Kuhne III.. American Bar Association Solo Small Firm and General Practice Division. print book
- License to travel : a cultural history of the passport / Patrick Bixby.. University of California Press. print book
- The long arc of legality : Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart / David Dyzenhaus.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Madison's militia : the hidden history of the Second Amendment / Carl T. Bogus.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Making gender salient : from gender quota laws to policy / Ana Catalano Weeks.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Marijuana law : a legal research guide / by Carol A. Fichtelman.. William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- Medellín v. Texas : international justice, federalism, and the execution of José Medellín / Alan Mygatt-Tauber.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- Menstruation matters : challenging the law's silence on periods / Bridget J. Crawford and Emily Gold Waldman.. New York University Press. print book
- Military law in a nutshell / L. Lynn Hogue, Professor of Law Emeritus, Georgia State University College of Law; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Reserve, Judge Advocate General's Corps (Ret.).. West Academic Publishing. print book
- More than marriage : forming families after marriage equality / John G. Culhane.. University of California Press. print book
- The new goliaths : how corporations use software to dominate industries, kill innovation, and undermine regulation / James Bessen.. Yale University Press. print book
- On account of sex : Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the making of gender equality law / Philippa Strum.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- On transits and transitions : trans migrants and U.S. immigration law / Tristan Josephson.. Rutgers University Press. print book
- Our fight has just begun : hate crimes and justice in Native America / Cheryl Redhorse Bennett.. The University of Arizona Press. print book
- Paragraph 175 / a Telling Pictures production ; a Rob Epstein/Jeffrey Friedman film ; produced and directed by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman ; director of research/associate producer, Klaus Müller ; producers, Michael Ehrenzweig, Janet Cole ; writer, Sh. Kino Lorber; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Pleading out : how plea bargaining creates a permanent criminal class / Dan Canon.. Basic Books. print book
- The power of the jury : transforming citizens into jurors / Nancy S. Marder.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Precarious protections : unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the United States / Chiara Galli.. University of California Press. print book
- Products liability in a nutshell / by David G. Owen.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- The proof : uses of evidence in law, politics, and everything else / Frederick Schauer.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- Prosecuting poverty, criminalizing care / Wendy A. Bach, University of Tennessee College of Law.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Real estate finance in a nutshell / by Vada Waters Lindsey, Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School.. West Academic Publishing. ebook
- Reasonableness and risk : right and responsibility in the law of torts / Gregory C. Keating.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Rebuilding expertise : creating effective and trustworthy regulation in an age of doubt / William D. Araiza.. New York University Press. print book
- Represent yourself in court : prepare & try a winning civil case / Paul Bergman & Sara J. Berman ; cartoons by Mike Twohy.. Nolo. print book
- Robbery : the tipping point between theft and violence / Amy Burrell.. Palgrave Macmillan. ebook
- The role of citation in the law : a Yale Law School symposium / edited by Michael Chiorazzi.. Published by William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- Sales and leases of goods in a nutshell / Anne Lawton.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- The Second : race and guns in a fatally unequal America / Carol Anderson.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book
- Servants of the damned : giant law firms, Donald Trump, and the corruption of justice / David Enrich.. Mariner Books. print book
- Sex is as sex does : governing transgender identity / Paisley Currah.. New York University Press. print book
- Shielded : how the police became untouchable / Joanna Schwartz.. Viking. print book
- The signature in law : from the thirteenth century to the facsimile / Stephen Mason.. Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. print book
- The significant lawyer : the pursuit of purpose and professionalism / William S. Duffey, Jr.. Mercer University Press. print book
- The specter of dictatorship : judicial enabling of presidential power / David M. Driesen.. Stanford University Press. print book
- Texas Government in a Nutshell / by Randy Erben.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Trading and exchanges : market microstructure for practitioners / Larry Harris.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Twenty-two cents an hour : disability rights and the fight to end subminimum wages / Doug Crandell.. ILR Press an imprint of Cornell University Press. print book
- Understanding contracts / by Jeffrey Ferriell.. Carolina Academic Press LLC. print book
- United States Post Office : a legal research guide / by Joel Fishman, Ph.D., M.L.S.. William S Hein & Co Inc. print book
- Unreasonable : Black lives, police power, and the fourth amendment / Devon W. Carbado.. The New Press. print book
- The unusual story of the Pocket Veto Case, 1926-1929 / Jonathan Lurie.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- The unwritten law of corporate reorganizations / Douglas G. Baird.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- The unwritten law of corporate reorganizations / Douglas G. Baird.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Up against the law : radical lawyers and social movements, 1960s-1970s / Luca Falciola.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Vaulting ambition : FDR's campaign to pack the Supreme Court / Michael Nelson.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- The war in court : inside the long fight against torture / Lisa Hajjar.. University of California Press. print book
- When innocence is not enough : hidden evidence and the failed promise of the Brady rule / Thomas L. Dybdahl.. The New Press. print book
- Why the innocent plead guilty and the guilty go free : and other paradoxes of our broken legal system / Jed S. Rakoff.. Farrar Straus and Giroux; Picador. print book
- Wills and trusts in a nutshell / Sherri L. Burr, Dickason Chair and Regents Professor of Law Emirita, University of New Mexico.. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Workers' compensation and employee protection laws in a nutshell / Jack B. Hood, Former Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law; Benjamin A. Hardy, Jr., Former Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Mississippi School of Law; Lauren. West Academic Publishing. print book
- Worse than nothing : the dangerous fallacy of originalism / Erwin Chemerinsky.. Yale University Press. print book